
Friday, August 19, 2011

Why I no longer like syringes

     I think nurses who do injections should undergo rigid training.  My mom said I was brave as a kid.  She said that while kids cry or even scream while getting their shots, I was silent.  Then I grew up and had to be injected on by nurses who didn't do their job well.  Imagine this, I was undergoing MRI scanning and my whole body (head, arms, legs) was harnessed into the bed  Then after a few seconds, the medical team stopped, a nurse approached me and said "We'll have to inject you again because your vein ruptured."  If my hand was not tied to the bed, I would probably have done something I would regret (or not) someday.  In another situation, another nurse was trying to take blood sample and she stuck in and pulled out the syringe about 2 or 3 times and I felt my eyes popping out in disbelief.  If I wasn't too overwhelmed and scared I probably would have done something I would regret (or not) someday.

     So I think that nurses who do such tasks practice well or undergo re-training to make sure that no other patients will be traumatized with similar experiences.

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